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[01 Oct 2018|12:03am]
We are still going and looking for players. If you want to know what players are searching for, feel free to join [info]cestfullines and ask, or check out our wanted lines post.
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[01 Oct 2018|10:29am]
Looking for this guy's sons and a possible male partner at [info]cestful - cliche and unconventional faces are welcome.
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[01 Oct 2018|03:58pm]
line for a liam o'brien pb! )
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[01 Oct 2018|04:57pm]
[info]cestful With the revamp, looking for more children for him and specifically for a son for a line - specifics can be found in this post. Also looking for a Hugh Jackman pb for something not necessarily with this character.
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[ viewing | October 1st, 2018 ]
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