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[22 Sep 2018|06:30am]
would someone pb another model/guy against mickey taylor? his instagram is itsmickeytaylor and i'm not picky on faces
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[22 Sep 2018|06:11pm]
Looking for a few private lines. I would love to write against a closeted character and/or play high schoolers (18) or college freshman who are away and exploring for the first time -- but I'm 100% down to brainstorm and hear other ideas.
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[22 Sep 2018|07:20pm]
Would there be any interest in an a/b/o celeb game?
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[22 Sep 2018|08:19pm]
would anyone be up for playing a pedro pascal pb against a boyd holbrook pb for a slash line? something slice-of-life and more on the organic side with a nice trade-off between commenting and scening would be perfect. a screened post is available in the journal.
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[ viewing | September 22nd, 2018 ]
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