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[26 Aug 2018|05:42am]
any chance I can get a slash line against this guy?
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[26 Aug 2018|07:07am]
does anyone play bill skarsgard? alex? celeb
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[26 Aug 2018|04:50pm]
Someone in a position of authority for a scene based on one of the nsfw gifs in my journal?
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[26 Aug 2018|05:04pm]
possible long shot, but looking for a dan levy to play against my eugene levy. either celeb, pb or fandom with their schitt's creek characters.
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[26 Aug 2018|08:40pm]
i'm looking for a slash pb sl where we can play out unique power dynamics. i have a few lines in mind in the journal but i'm open to brainstorming others! ideally i could play someone who is a 'sub' by title/authority/etc. but doesn't make it easy for the dom whatsoever, and the upperhand is constantly shifting. i don't play guys who only bottom so switching can definitely be incorporated. plot in addition to smut is a must. comment the journal if you're interested!
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[ viewing | August 26th, 2018 ]
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