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[16 Aug 2018|05:28pm]
would someone play zayn malik, liam payne or another male against bieber? or joe jonas?
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[16 Aug 2018|08:55pm]
is there any chance someone would be interested in dacre montgomery/joe keery for a pb psl? i'm mostly looking for something light and fun, more on the organic side, with plenty of commenting balanced with scenes.
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[16 Aug 2018|09:49pm]
[info]slayersorlando probably a long shot, but would anyone be interested in taking a gay line to this very open, friendly and extremely active mc club game?
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[16 Aug 2018|10:08pm]
Something for this mess of a kinky librarian @ [info]wechat. Other GoT men would be amazing.
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[ viewing | August 16th, 2018 ]
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