slash storyline community's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
slash storyline community

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[26 Jul 2018|02:50am]
Looking for some laid back fantasy slash. something with opposites, like elves/orcs, priests/rogues, usually sworn enemies. I'm more interested in exploring the themes and our characters interacting than shipping faces, so I'm really open on pbs. Would be up for taking it to a game!
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[26 Jul 2018|05:12pm]
A geek/gamer type, jock/prep, or a city boy for a slash line against my small town redneck on journals or discord? Thinking HS seniors and open to other pb options aside from the guy in my icons.
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[26 Jul 2018|11:56pm]
[info]wechat is a new slash-only social media game set in New York City, opening August 1st. premise ) Now accepting holds and applications!
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[ viewing | July 26th, 2018 ]
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