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[26 Jun 2018|12:00am]
This guy is one of the owners @ [info]samoismod

Looking for several things for him.

Two to four children, any gender.

Male co-owner who is also his partner in other ways.

Maybe some casual male flirtations.
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[26 Jun 2018|06:50pm]
would someone play someone against Jared?
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[26 Jun 2018|08:30pm]
something for this spencer list pb?
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[26 Jun 2018|11:43pm]
A Sebastian Stan would be EPIC! Chadwick Boseman, Anthony Mackie, Robert Downey Jr, Tom Hiddleston, Tom Holland.. Or surprise me. I'll try to answer any msgs in the morning. Psl, Customs, Celeb, pb…
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[ viewing | June 26th, 2018 ]
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