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[13 Jun 2018|07:40am]
Home, maybe lines, too? Is Darren wanted anywhere for anything? Big city, maybe even a beach town somewhere? LGBT friendly, please!
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[13 Jun 2018|05:07pm]
Looking for other muscle studs for Tyler to roll around in bed with. Comment here (screened) or my ooc. Open to just about anyone as long as they're stacked. Men of color preferred but not required.
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[13 Jun 2018|06:07pm]
Sebastian Stan, RDJ, Jeremy Renner

Open to suggestions
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[13 Jun 2018|09:32pm]
Looking for long or short term lines for Bucky Barnes. Open to any of the Avengers, HYDRA, or SHIELD operatives, really whoever you want that makes sense. Slash or gen usually for romance in long term stuff, don't at all mind het for short term. Open to playing multiple characters to fill out a world.

If you're up for it posted some open scenes, open to multiple threads on them if you're interested.
--> Post Winter Soldier found here
--> Post Civil War/Black Panther found here
--> Someone caught the Winter Soldier, you pick who found here

And open messaging/phone/email/whatever IC contact over here
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[ viewing | June 13th, 2018 ]
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