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[02 Jun 2018|03:34am]
[info]capitolhillse More friends, ex-boyfriends and band mates wanted! And since I'm cliché I would love to see more Teen Wolf, Maze Runner and American Assassin peeps in the game.

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this here is ryan laney he's from a band called our frankenstein [02 Jun 2018|06:50am]
they aren't huge but i'd really like a long-term slash line for him! check out our frankenstein and let me know if you'd be interested!
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[02 Jun 2018|06:59am]
something for sharon needles, open to faces
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[02 Jun 2018|07:59am]
would anyone consider playing ghost's tobias forge for me? (slash) i'm also looking for ANY drag-queen to play against or transgender for something specific
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[02 Jun 2018|08:34am]
any chance someone would be willing to play pete wentz or brendon urie against ryan?
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[02 Jun 2018|11:28am]
i had a line with a drag queen for dave before, would someone be interested in playing one against him? i don't mind which one
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[02 Jun 2018|09:06pm]
Ignore the icon! Looking for a few Call Me By Your Name inspired lines. Comment here or on the journal.
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[02 Jun 2018|11:26pm]
Are there any toppy Colton Haynes around for a cute line in a comm with this Ryan Cooper pb?
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[ viewing | June 2nd, 2018 ]
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