slash storyline community's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
slash storyline community

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[22 May 2018|07:20am]
celeb slash lines for a slutty, power bottomy shawn mendes?
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[22 May 2018|10:11am]
Still working on this gpsl, still open for holds. Also looking for a co-mod or someone to help with coding, anyone interested?

Would especially like a few more clients!
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[22 May 2018|11:34am]
Open threads in this journal. No planning required, just pick one you like and tag. Multiple tags in one thread are welcome.
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[22 May 2018|12:58pm]
I'd love to get a few lines! Would especially love bdsm lines and a/b/o. There's some other plot ideas in the journal and some open scenes for those who just want to dive in without pre planning.
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[ viewing | May 22nd, 2018 ]
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