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check the journal [12 May 2018|06:11am]
looking for a line to go somewhere or a psl works too!
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[12 May 2018|08:10am]
Something for Jon?
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[12 May 2018|10:51am]
[info]rattlesnake i think he'll be a bartender but lines with other employees who aren't snakes, lines with snakes and anything that comes to mind!
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ignore the journal [12 May 2018|05:06pm]
would anyone be willing to pb or celeb, also slash alexander skarsgard, jake gyllenhaal or charlie hunnam?
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[12 May 2018|07:53pm]
an outlaw mc club member for this chief of police for something secret? thinking of taking this to [info]tucs
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[12 May 2018|11:41pm]
Anyone interested in playing Anthony Beauvillier to my Mat Barzal for a community on LJ?
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[ viewing | May 12th, 2018 ]
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