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Salem City Game - Adults Only - 20+ [10 May 2018|03:37am]
[info]salem_city_mod Supernatural Game for adults 20+ ONLY SLASH - Friendly.

Tons of Holds and PBs/ OCs + Classic characters available!

We're still building, but I gather we will start writing in a week or two? So that gives EVERYONE who gets a hold NOW. To work on their Applications up until we start writing! Rather than only 5 or 6 days!
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weird request [10 May 2018|06:41am]
does anyone pay porn stars, tobias forge, adore delano, alaska, frank iero, ryan shuck, josh dun, or winona ryder?
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[10 May 2018|11:17am]
[info]rattlesnake miguel angel silvestre, michael b jordan, justin baldoni, marlon teixeira, franciso lachowski, jon kortajarena, and franco noriega for specific lines
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[10 May 2018|04:42pm]
Looking for the new guy in town (who is possibly the son of a hunter) for my werewolf? More info in the journal if interested.
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[10 May 2018|05:42pm]
Slash line for Brandon Flynn? PB or Celeb either one.
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[10 May 2018|10:14pm]
Looking to play Bucky Barnes again. Open to just about any pairing, always up for Steve, Tony, and Clint. Open to a good OMC. The usual. Up for any point in the canon but also have an itch for something around the accords nonsense of CW.

Comment here, journal, or I do have an in character contact post for Bucky Barnes open in this journal if you wanted to try something quick to see if we click.
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[ viewing | May 10th, 2018 ]
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