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[08 May 2018|06:23am]
looking for a spouse/LTR, faces negotionable. psl/game doesn't matter. journals/wire/discord. est but with late nights. ++ for older guys
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[08 May 2018|07:00am]
Home? Prefer a large city game or gpsl that is welcoming to slash!

Alternatively, psls for this author would be lovely!
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[08 May 2018|10:04am]
[info]rattlesnake looking for something sort of intense. anyone interested?
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[08 May 2018|02:23pm]
Looking for something romantic with plenty of plot (not in the market for smut centric/heavy lines). Would love to put a bit of a Twin Peaks twist on it, with an outsider coming in to a small town where the strange things/people are just accepted as everyday normalcy.
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[08 May 2018|02:56pm]
can i get a solid romance line, or maybe another line or two that's less intense to see how we work in something slow burn for this diego pb? miguel angel silvestre, nico tortorella, henry cavill, mbj, avengers cast, etc. open to most pbs.
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[08 May 2018|03:52pm]
[info]sanctuarytown hopefully bringing this guy in as a family attorney! clients, friends, work associates, maybe other lawyers to form a small firm? i would be down for him having family as well, whether siblings or cousins. basically all the lines.
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[08 May 2018|04:31pm]
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[08 May 2018|05:39pm]
looking for a chris to roast toxic masculinity with! comments screened.
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[08 May 2018|10:38pm]
[info]rattlesnake: Friends, a toxic dislocated ex from California, clients for this massage therapist.
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[ viewing | May 8th, 2018 ]
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