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[29 Apr 2018|12:07am]
[info]rattlesnake clients, clients, clients! also older characters, more poc, and est writers who stay up late
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[29 Apr 2018|08:06am]
Are there any hot daddy bear types for a pb line in a game with my Aarin Asker?
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x-posted [29 Apr 2018|12:25pm]
check out the journal if slash incest lines interest you.
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[29 Apr 2018|01:40pm]
[info]rattlesnake More MCU faces, more POC, more boys for him to flirt with.
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[29 Apr 2018|06:49pm]
[info]sanctuarytown would anyone like to bring an ex-couple there, that meet up at the sanctuary not knowing the other would be there?
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[29 Apr 2018|08:03pm]
anyone play older and unpopular musicians and looking for a home? comment here or my screened post. trying to get a gpsl going!
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[29 Apr 2018|08:20pm]
Like everyone else, Infinity War has given me the Marvel bug again, and I'd love a couple of journal-based slash lines for my Steve Rogers.

I'm open on pairings, but I'm currently only looking to thread. I typically set lines in the MCU for the sake of the accessibility of the universe and the relatively straightforward chronology. (That said, I'm well-versed in the comics, so if you want a 616 line and all of the complexity that that entails, don't hesitate to ask.) I'm happy to borrow elements, storylines, and characters from other universes. Crossovers (or character swaps) are also fantastic.

I enjoy: conflict, moral/ethical dilemmas, angst, world-building, ambivalent relationships (enemies-to-lovers, friends-to-lovers, lovers-to-enemies, etc), tragic backstories, deaths and resurrections, darkness and grit, noir undertones, banter and wit, ripple effects, slow burns, self-sacrifice, cultural and/or class differences, rivalries, forced collaborations, bonding through adversity, and all manner of AUs (especially dark AUs and canon-divergent "what if?" AUs that branch off from a different decision.)

Hit me up in the journal if you're interested!
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[29 Apr 2018|08:48pm]
How about some starship romance between crew members or a crew member and rescued individual. If you're more in mood for world building, perhaps the ship's AI is given a physical form and everyone has to learn to adjust and whatnot.
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