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[21 Apr 2018|12:14pm]
quinto for my miles
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[21 Apr 2018|12:56pm]
Dirty customs or scenes for the day? Something with a little substance, and the ability to turn long term if we want. Customs are fine. Face friendly on both ends but an older guy would be a dream
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[21 Apr 2018|02:04pm]
We have an active conversation going amongst 8 players thus far about pulling together a slice-of-life gpsl/small comm where people can bring their (human) PB characters for some fun interaction. Slash-focused, but LGBQT+S-welcoming overall and kink-friendly (but not solely smut-centric). Looking for a few more friendly people to join us so we can get it off the ground. Comment my screened post to be added to the conversation and see what we've come up with, and to lend your ideas as well. Hoping to get something started soon so we can all play!
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[21 Apr 2018|11:46pm]
what faces are wanted at [info]rattlesnake and for what? i'm making a list of faces i'd be interested in using in my journal, but i'm having trouble deciding! i'd love to fill some lines.

and if anyone is interested in a short term psl or long term, just comment the post.
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[ viewing | April 21st, 2018 ]
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