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[15 Apr 2018|06:37am]
looking for a line a slash one where i play a character like jax teller from sons of anarchy and you play someone for me that's either in his gang or a rival and he's kind of sleeping with the enemy
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[15 Apr 2018|08:16am]
does anyone pb kalorie karbdashian or would like to try?? i'd love to work out a line to take to a comm.
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[15 Apr 2018|02:09pm]
[info]rattlesnake I'd like to bring in a successful professional in his 30s as a client and would like to work out a d/s line with someone playing a dom.
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[15 Apr 2018|06:37pm]
would anyone be interested in joining a comm with my lee pace or taika waititi pb for an established slash line? i'm very open to starting them as a psl first. i prefer someone around his age or older. big cities would not be an ideal setting, as they would live on 3+ acres of land. hit me up in my screened post if you want. i don't write smut, but i can do some dirty talk.
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[ viewing | April 15th, 2018 ]
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