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someone make me happy and play someone against this beautiful man! [05 Apr 2018|06:17am]
i'd love someone someone fiesty and firey, maybe with some tattoos and piercings? transgender works too or a queen like i had once upon a time ago : <----------------- how can you say no to that?
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[05 Apr 2018|06:51am]
with joe being engaged now, would anyone possibly play him in a secret line against cole? if not joe, maybe nick?
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[05 Apr 2018|07:00am]
i just want a line where we can write and doesn't die, i want a good slash line. do people still do them anymore? faces don't matter, i'm not picky like most are.
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[05 Apr 2018|12:27pm]
[info]rattlesnake Someone for a relationship line with this DJ. I have ideas for pbs and the plot.
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[05 Apr 2018|10:46pm]
[info]over30only_mod Always looking for members over 30 years old who are looking forward to writing with other people who are over 30 or more!



[ viewing | April 5th, 2018 ]
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