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[15 Mar 2018|01:35am]
Just finished watching Call Me By Your Name (FINALLY) and desperately want to give Elios and Oliver a second chance at a happily ever after. I would play either character and have ideas for how we could reunite them. Over journals only, please!
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rude comments will be deleted, comment the screened post please [15 Mar 2018|05:53am]
something long-term for johnny depp
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[15 Mar 2018|06:47am]
looking for a long-term slash line, would love a line where both of us play a model (think cockyboys/andrew christian models) or your the owner of a well-known adult industry and my guy is an ex but they still hook-up from time to time. anyone interested?
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[15 Mar 2018|12:44pm]
[info]rattlesnake thinking of taking this Kane Brown there as a country boy trying to turn his life around. Would he be wanted around? Lines he could maybe fill?
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[15 Mar 2018|01:39pm]
[info]rattlesnake A regular client or two for this snake? Possibly a romantic interest. Even if you are already in the game, feel free to let me know you're interested. Comments are screened.
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[15 Mar 2018|03:21pm]
looking for some journal-based lines that are smut-friendly and kink-filled. more info here. open to most suggestions/lines!
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[15 Mar 2018|09:47pm]
Bucky Barnes looking for a Steve, Tony, Clint, Rumlow, or maybe something Black Panther related.
...Or an Oliver Queen looking for a Tommy Merlyn, Malcolm Merlyn, or a Slade Wilson.

Open to somewhat dark to very dark storylines. Open to ABO with these fandoms as well as other, maybe more taboo lines.
Open to playing side characters. In my upper-twenties. EST timezone. Prefer to email but can thread.
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[ viewing | March 15th, 2018 ]
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