slash storyline community's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
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[15 Feb 2018|03:36am]
Would love a few more PSLs. Check out the journal for themes and faces!
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[15 Feb 2018|07:20am]
would anyone be up for pbing charlie cox in a detailed, fairly angsty slow burn line at a comm?
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[15 Feb 2018|08:46am]
are there any slash gpsls or small comms out there other than rattlesnake? or, are there any active writers out there who would want to form a gpsl?
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[15 Feb 2018|03:10pm]
Looking for the new guy in town for my werewolf. More info is in the journal and I have even more ideas if anyone is interested. Would love a Jeremy Shada pb but I'm open.
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[15 Feb 2018|09:26pm]
[info]rattlesnake: I'd give pretty much anything for his LVPD partner.
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[15 Feb 2018|10:45pm]
[info]bacchusbeach I'm looking for the following: Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Ki Hong Lee, and Taylor Kitsch for friends and/or friends with benefits lines.
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[ viewing | February 15th, 2018 ]
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