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[27 Jan 2018|04:33am]
[info]rattlesnake clients for specific lines!
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xposted [27 Jan 2018|05:44pm]
Can I get a Danny Amendola for Julian Edelman? Or reversal wouldn't be opposed either to celebrate that upcoming bowl game win. PB or Celeb to find a place together.
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[27 Jan 2018|06:09pm]
Looking for an alpha for my omega.
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[27 Jan 2018|06:52pm]
Okay, maybe a weird request, but really craving some a/b/o with him and/or a bdsm kind of line, long term is awesome, short term is fine, not all sex, a lot about boundaries and lifestyle. Up for a Steve, Tony, Clint, some OCs, throw ideas my way if you're up for it!
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[27 Jan 2018|10:49pm]
On nights and needing some entertainment. Something for Ryan? Don't matter if you know who he is to me. Also willing to play him in another era like back in fever or pretty odd.

Alternatively, would love Peterick (especially if someone is willing to let me play Pete as hopelessly hopeful for his bff). I can play either end. Maybe a Mikey? Hopelessly hopeful probably still applies. The other era timeline works here, too.

Also - if anyone's up for PB versions of bandmates turned more that is my jam. That opens up the face list a lot.

Touring romances and squeezing together in bunks and crappy hotel beds are always fun.
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comments screened [27 Jan 2018|11:36pm]
looking for a few different fbr pairings: pete wentz/brendon urie, patrick stump/pete wentz, ryan ross/brendon urie, dallon weekes/brendon urie or william beckett/gabe saporta. anyone interested? also interested in discussing something else, but these are just #goals of mine!
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[ viewing | January 27th, 2018 ]
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