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[25 Jan 2018|01:25am]
Has app, will plot. [info]pleasantgrove Who needs things? Doctor related things? Military kink? Who wants to be shamelessly hit on? Who needs a non-kink father figure? I don't know anymore.

Also everyone ever. Come. It'll be fun.
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[25 Jan 2018|12:05pm]
I’m rewatching the power rangers movie. I’d love an active line for my Tommy. Jason would be awesome. I can do crossovers to. I also wouldn’t mind Billy either.
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[25 Jan 2018|01:31pm]
[info]bacchusbeach would anyone be interested in working out an alpha/omega line to take there? faces i play are in the icons in the journal.
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[25 Jan 2018|02:34pm]
Can I get some sort of line for him at [info]ziggystardst? It wouldn't be romantic at first; it would depend on the chemistry that we have that would determine if it turns romantic. I would also want it to be a slow burn kind of line & not rushed.

If you're interested, please leave me a comment since I never get PM's. Thanks.
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[25 Jan 2018|06:19pm]
Something for Frank?
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[25 Jan 2018|07:51pm]
[info]rattlesnake Looking for more friends and band members for his band (need a guitarist and a singer).
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[25 Jan 2018|10:27pm]
Something for Scott?
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[ viewing | January 25th, 2018 ]
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