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[15 Oct 2017|01:03pm]
Dirty customs and needy bottoms for the day? Aim is an option, too.

If anyone plays men in their 30s+ I'd be in love.
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[15 Oct 2017|03:38pm]
does anyone or would be willing to pb/celeb davey havok or jeffree star?
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[15 Oct 2017|04:31pm]
Would anyone be interested in playing against a young (~19/20) prostitute? A new customer maybe? PSL only.

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[15 Oct 2017|05:39pm]
So this new [info]thewolvesden game looks interesting and I'd like to give it a shot with my Dylan Sprayberry pb. Would love a Cody Christian and other Teen Wolf guys to tag along! Also open to lines with everyone else going there!
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[ viewing | October 15th, 2017 ]
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