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[05 Oct 2017|02:17pm]
[info]shropshire now open for holds! a period community for lgbtq characters, set during the early stages of the napoleonic wars. bring us your romance, your political intrigue, your struggling londoners, your nobles, your gay mr. whickham - bring it all.
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[05 Oct 2017|05:05pm]
still deciding on a face but i'm taking this smol, ruthless demon to [info]thames and would love some lines for him. he's the brains behind an all-you-can-drink vampire feeding den and some ideas that come to mind are: the hunter he's got on pay roll to keep the place off the map, a vampire liaison who does the vetting for its patrons, and a supernatural-type body guard who's basically his "muscle". happy to brainstorm other connections as well but let's make some dark magic!
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[05 Oct 2017|06:11pm]
I had a line going where my Jinn and a magic user were forced into each other's company thanks to a summoning gone awry. I would love to find something along that vein again! I'm open to the face for his human counterpart, but my kingdom for an Omid Abtahi for selfish, shameless reasons. The line is quite a bit of world building, plenty of plot, and a healthy dash of smut.
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cross posted [05 Oct 2017|07:34pm]
Slash lines for Frank Iero? I'm open to celeb or PB. I would love to play against a Gerard Way, or a Zacky Vengeance but i'm open others as well.
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[05 Oct 2017|08:31pm]
i would love to find a long-term psl based on character development. ideally i'd like to discuss the bare bones of a line, or start with two characters who have never met, and let it evolve on its own. i don't want to over-plan the line and i'd prefer to start with the characters meeting for the first time. a simple setup, a slow and comfortable writing pace, and the inclusion of fun extras like spam, etc. i feel comfortable using a long list of faces. comment here or in the journal if you're interested.
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[ viewing | October 5th, 2017 ]
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