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[30 Sep 2017|01:37am]
After a very unplanned hiatus, lets try this one again.


Reaper, McCree, Soldier76 and Reinhardt are up for grabs on my end. Maybe Hanzo. Haven't given him a try yet. Slash or gen preferred.
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[30 Sep 2017|04:44am]
Looking to maybe join a slightly slash-centric, writing lover's community with this original play-by character--but I've been off the scene forever and a half and have no idea whats going on! Anyone have any suggestions?

Anyone already in one looking for something that might work for a big city rough and tumble sort of 'bad' boy with street smarts, a heart of gold...ish, deep Southern roots, a criminal record and one seriously obstinate fucked up hero complex that gets him into mad trouble? Ha! I promise he can be quite fun. Intense! ...but fun. With help from the lovely Justin Theroux's face on loan.

I'd consider something private too if something sparked someone interest! I'll always brainstorm. I just thought I might try to jump back into the swing of things after my time away by getting in a community.

Any ideas welcome and appreciated! Drop 'em here or on the Journal if you please.
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[30 Sep 2017|12:58pm]
Something dark and gritty for the Winter Soldier? HYDRA agents, Rumlow, Steve Rogers always welcome, Tony Stark--super open, but not looking for fluff. Open to everything from A/B/O to a PTSD related line. Can have fluffy moments but not all fluff all the time.
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[30 Sep 2017|01:12pm]
looking for a long-term slash line celeb or pb! i just want to write with someone that wants the same thing
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[30 Sep 2017|02:44pm]
Looking to play a slut eager to get their holes filled and their stomach filled with cum. Slash or Futa. Comments screened.
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[30 Sep 2017|03:21pm]
a male fwb or ex-boyfriend(s) in the form of matty healy, bert mccracken, machine gun kelly, or billie joe armstrong for a community. serious writers only, please.
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[30 Sep 2017|09:28pm]
Hi [info]rainbowcreek! I just asked for a hold for this Nico Tortorella PB, and he needs a connection in the game so all of you inked people, do you need a tattoo artist? Also friends, neighbors, dog lovers, etc.
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[30 Sep 2017|11:44pm]
An Alpha werewolf for a dub con slash werewolf/human line involving a lot of kinks and imprinting?
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