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[28 Sep 2017|07:11pm]
Something for Frank? I'm open to pairings.
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[28 Sep 2017|08:59pm]
Fake TV Series Seeks Stars! @ [info]rattlesnake.
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[28 Sep 2017|10:03pm]
[info]shropshire if you like period pieces, costume drama, regency romance & lgbtq characters, check us out! gauging interest / looking for input on what everyone would most like to see.
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[28 Sep 2017|10:45pm]
Would anyone be interested in taking a couple with children to a game? Big Little Lies has me wanting to do something with middle-aged parents.
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[28 Sep 2017|11:37pm]
something dark and fucked up for the season? maybe something involving demonic pacts or something based off of stoker with shades of petyr and sansa's relationship in game of thrones? power plays, manipulation, murder, the whole nine yards!
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[ viewing | September 28th, 2017 ]
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