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[18 Aug 2017|09:06am]
Something for a pb Samuel L Jackson, Miguel Silvestre, Nick Offerman, Nick Bateman, Jay Ellis, Ryan Guzman, John Boyega or Rahul Kohli?

Someone in their 20s or 30s would be ace.
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[18 Aug 2017|02:08pm]
Looking for a Jeffrey Dean Morgan for my Norman Reedus. Pb only. No solid ideas. Looking to brainstorm ideas. Journals please.
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[18 Aug 2017|03:13pm]
Anyone interested in bringing someone 30+ in for a May/December line at a celeb community? I have a basic idea we can build on!
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[18 Aug 2017|04:25pm]
willem dafoe, john noble, derek jacobi, ed begley jr for a psl, ideally based in a sci-fi or supernatural setting, any ratio of smut-to-plot.
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[18 Aug 2017|05:51pm]
looking for a long-term slash line, maybe eventually take it somewhere?
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[18 Aug 2017|08:55pm]
anyone want to take a slash line to [info]highborns a game of thrones inspired game?
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[18 Aug 2017|10:17pm]
[info]rattlesnake. Other army connections, returning vets who work as bodyguards at his private security firm, big wigs who his teams protect, a personal assistant or secretary for the office. Faces wide open, though Ryan Hurst would be amazing.
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[18 Aug 2017|11:23pm]
his twin brother for something light-hearted and custom heavy?
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[ viewing | August 18th, 2017 ]
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