slash storyline community's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
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[17 Aug 2017|11:10am]
A younger man for Luke Evans. Daddy kink, medical play, no non-con. Threading and/or customs. PB only. Long term preferred.
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[17 Aug 2017|03:38pm]
[info]rattlesnake adds are tonight!
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[17 Aug 2017|05:22pm]
Looking for somebody pretty to lavish with attention.

Or maybe two somebodies. Twins?

Screened post on the journal, leave me a custom.
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[17 Aug 2017|10:27pm]
I need to dust this fella off a bit. Something sweet and sexy for a Mousa Kraish pb?
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[ viewing | August 17th, 2017 ]
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