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[11 Aug 2017|10:24am]
[info]rattlesnake Looking for face suggestions... I know he's going to be a client, verse (when he books it'll be for both) and maybe late twenties, thirties. An easy going guy who has a bad/good habit of kissing people, mostly strangers and thinking that's a great hobby.

Considered Garrett Hedlund, Jason Behr? but if anybody has another suggestion?
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[11 Aug 2017|11:14am]
any interest in brainstorming something between a face you like and a nat wolff pb? psl or a community if it fits with what we want to do.
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[11 Aug 2017|11:25am]
[info]rattlesnake pretty sure everyone would kill for jeremy irons and some more unconventional faces
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[11 Aug 2017|03:13pm]
Someone for the day (or weekend) to do this, this, and maybe this to.

Aim, G-chat or journals. Open to who I play/against.
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[11 Aug 2017|04:32pm]
available characters for psls
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[11 Aug 2017|08:35pm]
[info]rattlesnake kyle chandler, josh duhamel, ryan phillipe, jesse williams, nick jonas, all these faces for specific lines
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[11 Aug 2017|09:05pm]
Bucky Barnes Looking for a Captain Rogers, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, or people he knew from his time in HYDRA.

Slash or gen. What if situations or canon divergent. 1-3 tags a day.
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[11 Aug 2017|10:54pm]
Any need for a Harry Styles if I bring one to [info]rattlesnake?
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