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[26 Jul 2017|06:23am]
would anyone consider playing randy harrison against gale harold? or someone against gale harold? also i was hoping to find someone to play almost like another brian kinney against my character?
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[26 Jul 2017|10:46am]
something slash for this adam senn pb? i'm open to most lines
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[26 Jul 2017|04:36pm]
[info]rattlesnake - how do we have so many played characters, but only six sex workers? come on, boys.
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[info]rattlesnake [26 Jul 2017|09:50pm]
Looking to join with this Chris Pine face. I initially held him as a client (he was going to be a CIO for a small, but growing tech firm, who ended up at the ranch while trying to clinch a deal with a venture capitalist. It was his first gay experience, and uh, let's just say he kissed a boy and he liked it).

Or alternatively he could be a sex worker (I saw that post that there is a need for them). Does anyone have any ideas/lines I could possibly fill one way or the other?
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[26 Jul 2017|11:17pm]
An Italian mobsters son to be dating my cop/feds son for something dramatic, sneaky, smutty, and fun? Prefer AIM but can do threading
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[ viewing | July 26th, 2017 ]
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