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[14 Jul 2017|02:36am]
A younger guy for a Ron Perlman pb?
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[14 Jul 2017|03:29am]
Just finished catching up on the 100 and am looking for lines for this not so scum of the earth. Bellamy Blake, cause it was love at first fight. Raven Reyes, cause there's nothing more romantic than saying 'I'm sorry for crippling you' like some end of the world sex. Clarke, is she still into dudes? Murphy want's to know. Miller? Octavia? Both their boyfriends died right? Doesn't matter. Emori, cause who can say no to a futuristic Bonnie and Clyde and all their domestic fluff?

I could also play Clarke with either Bellamy, Lexa, or Raven. There's also a strong possibility I could be talked into playing Bellamy against Clarke, cause I need those two in my life one way or another.
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