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[04 Jul 2017|06:08am]
Home or lines for this Virat Kohli pb?
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[04 Jul 2017|06:18am]
I'm feeling smutty. Anybody want something down and dirty for the next week or two? AIM or threading.
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[04 Jul 2017|06:39am]
Happy Birthday, America! Who's ready for our grand opening tomorrow?

[info]abomods a brand new Omegaverse game that welcomes all genders, orientations and lifestyles!

Ready to send us your application? Join now! Unsure of who to bring? Join our storylines community, [info]abolines to exchange ideas and brainstorm!
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[04 Jul 2017|06:39am]
would someone play another actor against jared? alexander skarsgard, jake gyllenhaal, justin theroux, open to others!
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[04 Jul 2017|07:12am]
something slash for bieber, would love liam, harry or zayn. maybe even scooter if he's out there
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[04 Jul 2017|03:09pm]
Chris Pine, Charlie Hunnam, Josh Donaldson because you can have never enough gorgeous blokes to shag [info]secretdirection
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[04 Jul 2017|03:54pm]
[info]secretdirection please can I get some lines started while I wait for adds? <3
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[04 Jul 2017|05:49pm]
taking an older alpha male to [info]abomods i would love to find him a few omegas that he is involved with. older or younger. comments are screened.
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[04 Jul 2017|11:04pm]
[info]abomods I have almost everything I need for him, exspect his partner on the force. I'm open to it being male or female, though probably another alpha or beta. Also he's an LA native so any long standing friendships are always welcome.
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[04 Jul 2017|11:16pm]
Bucky Barnes looking for his Captain America or other Avengers (Tony or others!).
Looking mostly for darker lines than immediate fluff, either between movies or after CW (or alternative reality where Hydra won)

Mostly looking for slash lines or gen. Faster tagger by email but open to threading if we click!
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[ viewing | July 4th, 2017 ]
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