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[29 Jun 2017|01:18am]
Jesse Lee Soffer or Wentworth Miller for a psl?
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[29 Jun 2017|01:21am]
For the love of all that's holy, Chris Pine and Ian Bohen for me to worship @ [info]secretdirection
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[29 Jun 2017|01:23am]
Can I convince someone help me sate my cravings for an unusual blackmail line slightly inspired by House of Cards? Something like this would be fantastic! )
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[29 Jun 2017|01:52am]
looking for something for this pb band guy? dj/producer, manager, bodyguard, bandmate, tour buddy, messy ex in the industry, or open to other ideas. would love to work with dark themes and a lot of smut
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[29 Jun 2017|05:53am]
A top for a CO/Inmate line or as one of the men from OITNB against an OC?
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[29 Jun 2017|09:56am]
[info]eversince would love to go in with a couple more lines. a child of merlin (old or young) to help him hone his magic, the sons of the huntsmen who are after the bounty on his head, princes from court he used to flirt and sneak around castles with, as well as anyone else to join in on the fun
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[29 Jun 2017|03:34pm]
applying at [info]secretdirection with him if anyone wants to work something out
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[29 Jun 2017|06:56pm]
Any chance anyone slashs Alexander Skarsgard? pb or celeb!
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[29 Jun 2017|11:05pm]
Bored bored bored

Looking for AIM or threading! BUT MOSTLY AIM: neevkhushrenada

Some things I like & some ideas:

- Older PBs
- Fantasy or Sci-fi (aliens and monsters <3)
- Something Beauty & the Beast-ish, with a character who is cursed (and cranky)
- Strange magical problems (this could go literally any way, smutty or just weird/funny/useful as a plot point or meet-cute)
- Slice-of-life & mundane shit (but with some drama to keep things fresh)

I dunno - OTHER STUFF TOO. Feel free to pitch a line you've been itching to play, I might go for it.
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[ viewing | June 29th, 2017 ]
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