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[26 Jun 2017|12:40pm]
the walking dead fandom line for carl grimes, or a celeb line for chandler's 18th birthday?
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[26 Jun 2017|05:13pm]
[info]chidatemods Matt Bomer or similar dark-haired type for his brother, please. No incest.
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[26 Jun 2017|05:52pm]
Lines? abo preferred.
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[26 Jun 2017|07:47pm]
Anything for a Mark Wahlberg PB! PSLs or taking something to a game, IDC. Doesn't even have to be shippy, if you want a family member unless you want incest or a best friend kinda dude.

But for ships, I'm into things that're end-game monogamy and I find three/moresomes too tiring to write, lmao. Otherwise I'm open to pretty much any kink/storyline/plot/etc. under the sun, including the super fucked up hardcore shit (whether sexual or psychological), so feel free to throw your ~dream lines~ at me and I can definitely accomodate and work something out with you. Simple and tooth-rottingly adorable fluffy stuff is good with me, too!

Comments screened. Let me know if you want a custom!
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[26 Jun 2017|09:22pm]
[info]chidatemods: fwb lines, friends, customers at the bar for him to flirt with, exes, rivals, skydiving buddies, other adrenaline junkies, really anything for this Welsh transplant hopeless flirt bar owner.
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[26 Jun 2017|10:01pm]
This nerd will be at [info]chidatemods. He could really use exes, friends, pretty much anything.
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[ viewing | June 26th, 2017 ]
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