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[22 Jun 2017|08:01am]
looking for slash lines for joel, if only because i'm all dried out from het shipping. cross-canon and OCs welcome! really fucked up things welcome! and if you'd rather i find a PB for joel instead of using video game icons, i could. i personally don't care if your character's animated or live-action, honestly.

if you're cool with no shipping, though, i'd be happy to play platonic lines with anyone. joel having a found family would be sweet, especially in a post-apocalyptic world full of infected people. or i could just au him into other scenarios, if you don't want to do horror!

also, if there's anyone out there who plays nathan drake and wants to give shipping a shot, i am all ears.
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[22 Jun 2017|05:43pm]
I just want to play something. Anyone looking for a line? Got anything for any of the PBs in my icons, got someone else who you've been wanting to pb against or anything you've been wanting to do?

Slash. Fluff is good, smut is better. Most kinks are great. Hit me with your best shot, fire away.
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