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[13 Jun 2017|05:56am]
something slash for brandon or dylan lee
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[13 Jun 2017|02:35pm]
Looking for threadable lines for this cinnamon roll - community or psls are cool.
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[13 Jun 2017|02:35pm]
I would love something for my Tyler Hoechlin face. Not picky on who's against him, but I won't pretend Dylan wouldn't be love for stupid obvious reasons. Formerly did porn, so some slight intimacy issues and might involve him pulling away, so ideally looking for someone willing to put up with that, but also willing to skip around and give them a proper chance to bond. Also willing to go with exs that reconnect. Other details negotiable. Technically for a small gpsl, but it'd be nice to see if we mesh well first.
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[13 Jun 2017|03:31pm]
Andrew Rannells for a psl?
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[13 Jun 2017|07:26pm]
something for a froy gutierrez pb?
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[13 Jun 2017|11:36pm]
Anyone up for a line with 40+ characters?
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[ viewing | June 13th, 2017 ]
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