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[06 Jun 2017|05:47am]
Any big guys out there up for keeping a fairy prince entertained? He's got an insatiable appetite for trouble, excitement and men so straight or gay, single or taken, it doesn't matter to him. You can find him with some werewolves at a house party or fresh off a work-out at the gym but he'd be just as happy to travel to a place of your choosing as well.

Faces like Jason Momoa, Tom Hardy, Henry Cavill, Tom Hopper, Mark Wahlberg, and Dwane Johnson would get his attention fastest but he's not one to say no to anyone.
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[06 Jun 2017|09:31am]
tmi lines for alec lightwood?
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[06 Jun 2017|06:52pm]
Can I get a Dean Winchester? This perfect, all consuming love of a video has me in shambles and the song fits them perfectly. I'll take gen or slash. I'm more in the mood for slash though. We can come up with a plot worthy plot of plots. I may have one in mind already~ Longterm or short-term, whatever you're feeling. I'd be willing to play over aim. Just take pity on me u.u

x-posted to [info]fandom_psls
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[06 Jun 2017|08:53pm]
Anyone play Avan Jogia that might want something interracial?
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[06 Jun 2017|11:02pm]
slash psl?
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[06 Jun 2017|11:13pm]
I don't watch Gotham, but I have friends that reblog gifs from the Riddler/Penguin scenes and that has given me an intense hankering for a line between supervillains. Men of crime. Men with an existential emptiness that becomes cancerous. It sounds like a good time. If it sounds like a good time to you as well, then by all means contact me. Journals only. Comments screened.
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