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[03 Jun 2017|04:30am]
something for davey havok
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[03 Jun 2017|08:47am]
obi-wan or au sith for a psl against this clone wars era anakin?
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[03 Jun 2017|06:29pm]
There's gotta be a dominant Harry out there.
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[03 Jun 2017|09:58pm]
Would anyone be interested in a post-apocalyptic slash line between two manly guys? Darker romance, smut and possibly mpreg (with my guy carrying). Something like our guys being two of the few survivors, trying to cope with the aftermath and rebuilding the world.

I'd especially love Mike Colter for this but open to others.
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x-posted [03 Jun 2017|10:43pm]
Looking to bring this guy into [info]kin. Looking to build family connections with those in game as well as potentially coming in with him! (1) He has a fiance he has a non-sexual romantic relationship with as he is gay, she can be whatever she wishes to be. Just that they met in London when he 'ran away' from the family after graduating HS early at 16. He went to school to become a Pastry Chef and went the full 4 years and worked a year in London. (2) Looking for him to have one or more sexual/intimate relationships among his male relatives that sent him scurrying away, because OMG so wrong. And now he's returning, so... things. :)
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[ viewing | June 3rd, 2017 ]
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