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[25 May 2017|12:00am]
Big daddy bear looking for a boy, possibly the son of one of his friends or the bosses kid or something?
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[25 May 2017|07:57am]
celeb lines for him?
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[25 May 2017|08:48am]
looking for a slash line where you play the older guy and he's kind of like a brian kinney (queer as folk) but with more substance if that makes sense? i was hoping he would be like a very popular club owner (think of the abbey in west hollywood, or even babylon from the guy) my guy would be on the younger side (not like justin taylor) he would most likely be a go go dancer there or comes to the club often
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i promise not to flake, i just want to write sharon! [25 May 2017|09:16am]
something for the spooky ghoul, faces don't matter. i promise i won't die on you or flake!
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[25 May 2017|11:28am]
[info]eastboys an uncle who works at the school and lets him have free reign of the family estate in exchange for bringing good looking dudes around, more guys who row crew, the nerdy kid who does his hw in exchange for adderall, people who have attended his house parties, and that kj apa hold to come to me
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[25 May 2017|12:08pm]
[info]sanctuarymods an older man for a romantic interest line. A teacher or mentor from his MIT days would be excellent. Amir is in a rough spot mentally/emotionally and could use some sunshine.
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[25 May 2017|12:23pm]
Looking for some psl for Djimon Hounsou (cuz HOT DAMN ).

If looking for long term, something covert/spy related would be my top pick.

Community route, not against something short term either. Possibly open to taking him to [info]eastboys since i have Idris held & can easily swap.
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[25 May 2017|01:33pm]
[info]eastboys armie hammer for something cliche, a roommate, ex roommates, friends, a childhood friend, the boy he buys his drugs from, the guy who got him into drugs, and his only ex boyfriend
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[25 May 2017|02:15pm]
My previous slp flaked on me, but I really liked this character and want to develop him more. Are there any witches out there who'd be willing to hang out with a seller of strangely efficacious potions? Slash and gen only. More details and an open thread here.
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[25 May 2017|05:36pm]
[info]theridge Tired of the same handful of cities popping up over and over? Want to try something a little different? If so, The Ridge is the place for you! If you're struggling to think of a character, check out [info]rlines for some ideas.

Bring us your Telekinetics, your Retro-Cognitives, your huddled Empaths yearning to breathe free! Next adds are being done tonight.
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[25 May 2017|05:50pm]
looking for a long-term slash line with all of the extra's. customs, scenes, smut, drama, fluff, everything. open to ideas, from modern to supernatural to sci fi to fantasy, and i'm even more open on faces and themes. leave somewhere i can reach you to brainstorm!
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[25 May 2017|09:55pm]
A Harry Styles to play with?
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