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[22 May 2017|10:46am]
Daddy/little + medical kink? Anyone? I just wanna write! SLASH ONLY!
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[22 May 2017|12:18pm]
looking for a long-term slash line, i'm a BIG fan of drama, like some smut, some fluff. I just want to write!
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[22 May 2017|02:03pm]
anthro X human interest check, details in my journal.
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[22 May 2017|02:03pm]
A long-term slash line for Benji Madden
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[22 May 2017|04:35pm]
[info]eastboys let's break the ice! stuff and things for this senior who's a top notch equestrian and rower. he plays nicely with the bourgeoise and is known for his infamous off-campus parties. he'll also trade you his adderall in exchange for having his homework done
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[22 May 2017|06:14pm]
something for him to maybe take somewhere if it works? I'd love harry, but open to others, conventional or non.
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[22 May 2017|07:05pm]
This jinn's human boyfriend who he's had to withhold sex from to keep from outing himself as not-quite-human? Not picky about the PB. It's a bit of fluff, a bit of smut, some angst, and a touch of supernatural all in one. AIM or journals.
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[22 May 2017|08:42pm]
couple of more hero lines, guardians of the galaxy, x-men, avengers, solo heroes and villains, even a pb against cap. just looking for a mix of smut and plot, open to long-term provided we match. select dc types are welcome as well, orion, mon-el, new blue beetle, shazam, black adam, etc.
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[22 May 2017|09:28pm]
[info]eastboys an all new slash game, set in a all boys school in the hamptons. bring your students and teachers for all the fun!
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[ viewing | May 22nd, 2017 ]
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