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slash storyline community

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[07 May 2017|01:39am]
[info]theridge Looking for an assistant to work under him. (Includes benefits of the sexual nature)
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[07 May 2017|06:30am]
male celebs, porn stars, models, anyone who wants to take on a pint-sized power bottom.
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[07 May 2017|03:15pm]
would anyone be interested in joining a friendly & active celeb comm for a possible slash sl with a younger male if there's chemistry? looking for someone who enjoys AIM/scening/FP activity, etc. pls comment my screened post to discuss!
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[07 May 2017|10:06pm]
chris argent or derek hale for scott? open to plopping them anywhere in the tw timeline
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[ viewing | May 7th, 2017 ]
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