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[27 Apr 2017|06:47am]
drake, the weekend, scooter braun, machine gun kelly, anyone for bieber?
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[27 Apr 2017|06:55am]
something for aaron carter
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[27 Apr 2017|06:07pm]
I have a few supernatural~ ideas I'd love to play out. Alpha and an Omega in heat. A fae that wanders onto his property. But I have more I'd love to share in a custom!

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[27 Apr 2017|09:36pm]
Something more plot driven for my Riz pb? A touch of something supernatural or scifi would be excellent. I've got a few ideas but I'd prefer to brainstorm something. AIM or threading.
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A slash friendly community [27 Apr 2017|10:27pm]
[info]theridge Tired of the same handful of cities popping up over and over? Want to try something a little different? If so, The Ridge is the place for you! If you're struggling to think of a character, check out [info]rlines for some ideas.

Bring us your Telekinetics, your Retro-Cognitives, your huddled Empaths yearning to breathe free!
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[ viewing | April 27th, 2017 ]
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