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[14 Apr 2017|07:50am]
[info]sanctuarymods A guy he slept with awhile back. And whose wallet he then promptly stole because he's a jerk. I would sell my soul for a KJ Apa y'all. Not a romance line but definitely a suuuuper awkward line.
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[14 Apr 2017|11:47am]
A Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Punisher, or Danny Rand who would be up for playing against an OC?

Their actor counter parts, pb or celeb, are great too

Also I'd KILL for an Oscar Issac or Diego Luna!
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[14 Apr 2017|02:57pm]
does anyone pb ross marquand?
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[14 Apr 2017|06:34pm]
Looking for filthy customs tonight.

The premise is simple. My guy has rented out a luxurious hotel room for the night and left a spare key at the front desk. He's ready and blindfolded, with an array of interesting accessories that he's willing to let someone use on him. You have until sunrise to use him as you see fit.

Comment at the journal and we'll begin.
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[14 Apr 2017|07:04pm]
[info]lineart any chance i can get a brainiac 5 to tag along as the bright kid from across the tracks who this lowly mechanic is crushing on?
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[14 Apr 2017|07:27pm]
I'm looking for someone who wants to write a fun, intelligent, deep slash line with ups/downs. good/bad, angst and more. More importantly I'm looking for someone who loves to write and who's patient. I'm not looking for smut-centric lines and prefer characters 30 and over. I have some line ideas in my journal, but I'm open to discussing ideas.
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[ viewing | April 14th, 2017 ]
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