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[08 Apr 2017|10:16am]
It's a little early but I'm looking for an AIM/journals one shot while I work today. Anyone up for something about 60/70% smutty, simple, & possibly open to expansion if we want? Lots of faces played, lots of faces wanted.

IDEALLY looking to play a DILF face against someone in their late 20s-40s
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[08 Apr 2017|11:34am]
I'm looking for a few slash lines for either this fairy prince, my necromancer-for-hire ([info]controlsdeath), or lesser devil ([info]birthbyfire).

I have a few starters or possible story ideas in the journals but I'd be happy to brainstorm as well.
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[08 Apr 2017|12:36pm]
would someone pb someone like gigi gorgeous, manila luzon, carmen carrera, alaska, raven, raja, davey havok, andreja pejic, ongina, shannel, shangela, sonique, willam or any other trans/queen against a musician like benji madden, dave navarro, chester bennington, jacoby shaddix, or davey havok?
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[08 Apr 2017|01:07pm]
something for sharon needles
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[08 Apr 2017|08:48pm]
Tops for any of the faces in my icons? Open to most line ideas and am down for brainstorming something.
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[08 Apr 2017|09:30pm]
Survey on what people are looking for in an adult/smut game in the journal.
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[08 Apr 2017|09:52pm]
An older guy for my muscle c boy? Preferably something long term and kinky with a plot. Threading only.
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[08 Apr 2017|10:58pm]
Anyone up for brainstorming some slash against a geeky guy? Open to pbs and ideas just really feeling like playing someone shy, nerdy, and a bit innocent.
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[ viewing | April 8th, 2017 ]
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