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[08 Mar 2017|12:29am]
Perhaps it's highly unlikely, but I'm looking for either a Jude Law, Matthew Goode, Nicholas Hoult or Taron Egerton to play against my Colin Firth. Totally open to doing celeb or pb!
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[08 Mar 2017|12:39am]
Let's plot. Honestly, I just want a few kickass private or community lines. Characters over thirty are ideal, and I'd love if you could bring some ideas to the table, too. Comment for a custom.
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[08 Mar 2017|05:45am]
something for tommy lee, i'll pb him as well
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[08 Mar 2017|07:14am]
pb psl for wentworth miller?
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[08 Mar 2017|03:01pm]
Slash smut. NSFW Gif post.

Especially: group scenes, omegaverse. Will play multiple characters.
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[08 Mar 2017|09:32pm]
psl for a trans boy, to possibly take to [info]havenwood?
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[ viewing | March 8th, 2017 ]
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