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[07 Mar 2017|10:58am]
[info]noter a nice guy for him?
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Cross posting like a mofo. [07 Mar 2017|11:27am]
Looking for a home for a Matt Bomer and a (separate writer) Chris Evans, any modern, realistic, friendly places out there?
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[07 Mar 2017|01:49pm]
Now IJ is back, so are we. Incest group looking for players, het, femme and slash friendly.
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[07 Mar 2017|04:36pm]
looking for someone to take the reins and start scenes, for once. details in my journal.
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[07 Mar 2017|06:50pm]
Marvel/X-men/Deadpool lines ahoy!

Logan/Wolverine looking for most any good idea as far as partners go. Maybe an older escapee from the project in the movie, another mutant, a character from somewhere else in the X-men or MCU world. Maybe even a Tony Stark? They can bond over guilt and self-dislike

Deadpool is always up for a good idea Spiderman, Tony Stark, Steve, a good OC. Let me know!

Bucky Barnes always up for a Tony or a Steve open to other ideas.

Slash mostly. Email mostly. I am 25+ and in the EST timezone if that impacts things!
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[07 Mar 2017|09:31pm]
Would anyone still want him for something? PB comm preferred.
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[07 Mar 2017|10:51pm]
So I have this slash idea in mind: our guys were in love, but yours wasn't ready to come out while mine wanted the wedding cake and two kids. They broke up but their feelings for each other never died. Fastforward two years. They moved to a new city but never were quite able to move on, and when they meet in a random place, they realize their feelings for each other still run strong. I would like for this to be an interracial line with passion, smut, drama, angst and a happy ending? Possibly for a comm, if we click. No fandoms or supernatural, please. Just a slice of life.
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