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[08 Feb 2017|12:05am]
Liam Payne for Louis? aim or journals, comm or psl, I'm not picky at all. I just want someone who loves Liam and Louis and is active.
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[08 Feb 2017|01:59am]
something for a shawn mendes, jacob whitesides, dylan minnette or tye sheridan pb?
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[08 Feb 2017|10:41am]
NSFW Gif post. I'll just leave this over here...

Particularly looking for someone who'd be up for a group scene today, where we each play a few characters.
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[08 Feb 2017|02:04pm]
Poe, Hux, Finn, Mitaka? Looking for dark, detailed lines.
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[08 Feb 2017|05:06pm]
any chance i could get a matt good for my sonny after this happening:
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[08 Feb 2017|06:46pm]
ignore the pb or don't, but could i find a character for this guy? he's got a darker, semi-detailed past and his career is less than respectable. i'm not worried about age ranges as long as it's realistic to the line. looking for someone who would be willing to put up with his lifestyle and attitude. i'd like to explore darker themes as long as we're both comfortable. drop me a comment and i'll hook you up with a custom!
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[ viewing | February 8th, 2017 ]
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