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this isn`t *exactly* a fic but..... [19 Dec 2003|12:36am]
[ mood | listless ]
[ music | "Chelsea"~Mest (change Chelsea to Benji.....hee hee) ]

Its a song that i wrote pariodied a long time ago and i think that is pretty funny.Mayeb that just me. I was bored at 3 am one night. Sing this to the tune of Avril`s Skater Boi song(I hate that song so i changed it)
Pairing: Joel/Billy
Rating: PG/PG-13 i dont know
Author: Alana
Disclaimer: Billy and Joel aren`t really gay......wait maybe they are and maybe the ARE,

Ghetto Boi )

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[ viewing | December 19th, 2003 ]
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