Reality TV + slashers = snark!

Catrinella posting in Reality TV + slashers = snark!
User: [info]catrinella
Date: 2007-08-27 09:46
Subject: Oh hi.
Security: Public

All reality TV welcome, especially competitive reality shows.


  • NOT EVERYONE IS IN THE SAME TIME ZONE OR WATCHES AT BROADCAST. Use IJ-cuts for all posts that discuss actual episode outcomes, whether past- or current-season. Comments are fair game - if you don't want to be spoiled, don't read the post.
  • Feel free to liveblog episodes as they broadcast (usually the Eastern time folks will get a jump on this), but keep the main post clean of everything but "this post is the live comment thread for Top Chef 8/29/2007, episode titled Hey Howie, We Got Together And Bought You A Sweatband" (if it's in the TV Guide/TiVo description for the show, it is fair game to be posted outside the jumpcut).
  • Reactions should be kept within the liveblog threads or behind a jumpcut. Let the West Coast viewers (hi [info]julian_black) and the TiVo viewers ([info]catrinella is old and gets sleepy early) react in their own ways.

    Recaps, fic, links, etc - all love.

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    August 2007