Creative Minds.
Sketch it!

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User: [info]raubkatze
Date: 2008-05-12 20:40
Subject: 3 sketches
Security: Public
Tags:fandom:neon genesis evangelion, material:felttip, material:fineliner, material:pencil, user:raubkatze

Artist's name: Raubkatze.
Work-title: Portrait of a Female - bit Manga-Style.
Date drawn: 11.mai 2008
Refers to any original (person, picture, fandom, etc.): No.
Material: pencil
Time to draw this: 10 minutes
Rating: G
Feedback appreciated: Maybe.
Any notes: Short sketch - "daily practise"

Sketch 01 )

Artist's name: Raubkatze.
Work-title: Portrait of a Female - bit Manga-Style.
Date drawn: 12. mai 2008
Refers to any original (person, picture, fandom, etc.): No.
Material (pencil, aquarell, newspaper,): Fineliner + Felttip.
Time to draw this: 10 - 15 Minutes.
Rating: G
Feedback appreciated: Maybe.
Any notes: Sketch - play with other materials than pencil.

Sketch 02 )

Artist's name: Raubkatze.
Work-title: NGE - Toji x Hakiri - No chance.
Date drawn: 12. mai 2008
Refers to any original (person, picture, fandom, etc.): Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Material (pencil, aquarell, newspaper,): Pencil.
Time to draw this: 30 minutes (maybe 40)
Rating: G
Feedback appreciated: Yes. :o)
Any notes: Ikari - You're a devil! *just 've read Vol. 6 of the Manga* Little Spoiler for Vol. 06 of the manga.

Toji x Hakiri )


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my journal
August 2008