Siriusneeds Fanfic
.:::.::..: .:...:.

About this journal
My own little fan fiction journal.

Original and fandom based writings can be found here.

Warning: Some writings in this journal may be of an ADULT nature. You must be of age to read here. All fics will be labeled and or rated according to content.

December 2007
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siriusneeds [userpic]
Fanfic100 ~ Prompt: Beginnings

Post for [info]fanfic100

Title: First Day
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Sirius Black, other family
Prompt: Beginnings
Rating: G
Word Count: 466
Summary: The first day of school arrives and Sirius doesn't want to go.
Authors Note: Not Betaed. This one popped in my head as the first day of school started Monday while I watched all the ickle firsties head to their first day of school and thought of all the parents that fought that war. Yes even in the wizarding world kids don't want to go.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. No money is, was or will be made from this work of fiction. All characters belong to JK Rowling and her imagination. This is a work of fiction. All characters are of the age of consent in this fic. I just like to play in the sandbox. I promise to return them in good working condition. (mostly)

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Current Mood: tired tired
siriusneeds [userpic]
SS/HG Drabble ~ Almost

Originally written for the Grangersnape100 community at LJ

Title: Almost
Word Count: 300
Rating: G
Challenge: Ten Years Ago
Characters: Severus, Hermione
A/N: Unbetaed. This was my first post to the comm and now it is my first post here in my fic journal.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. No money is, was or will be made from this work of fiction. All characters belong to JK Rowling and her imagination. This is a work of fiction. All characters are of the age of consent in this fic. I just like to play in the sandbox. I promise to return them in good working condition. (mostly)

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Current Mood: accomplished accomplished
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