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Three of Hearts [Mar. 2nd, 2010|11:21 am]

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Title: Three of Hearts
Rating: R
Word Count: 2,538
Warnings: Infidelity, of sorts.
Summary: James/Lily, Sirius/Lily, maybe Sirius/James; it was all in fun, a night with too much liquor where the forbidden happens – and could have long lasting consequences.
Disclaimers: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J. K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. All characters engaging in sexual activity are 16 years or older.
A/N: Many thanks to Shannon and Sab for the beta.

Three of Hearts
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Fic: Inebriation (Lily/Sirius, Regulus/Sirius, NC-17) [Jun. 20th, 2008|06:15 pm]
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Title: Inebriation
Author: Envinyatar (aka [info]envinyatar15)
Pairing: Lily/Sirius (main), Regulus/Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Highlight for Warnings: *first time, adultery, incest, shower!sex, wall!sex, UST, biting, underage, pregnancy*
Word Count: 4,290
Summary: Lily would hesitate to call Sirius Black her first love. She would call him her first, most magnificent fuck, maybe, or her first experimentation, but if it came down to it she would deny any sort of emotional attachment.
Notes: Written for [info]opheliet as a pinch-hit for the hp_rarities exchange. Inspired by Three Days Grace's "Wake Up". Many thanks to [info]deemichelle for the fabulous (and quick!) beta.

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